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291 records have been found You searched for radially symmetric, flower tip upper side

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Summary of Search Results

The Flower Section radially symmetric, flower tip upper side Occured 100% times
The Collector Chittka Occured 72% times
The Town Occured 42% times
The Human Colour yellow Occured 41% times
The Family Asteraceae Occured 34% times
The Bee Colour UV-green Occured 31% times
The Collector Menzel Occured 27% times
The Country Israel Occured 26% times
The Country Austria Occured 23% times
The Country Germany Occured 22% times

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1988 Crepis paludosa Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2320 Asclepia curassavica Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
3169 Geranium phaeum Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka
3326 Leucanthemopsis alpina Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
3530 Tithonia diversifolia Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2148 Veronica prostrata Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue medium bees, medium bees, small butterflies, Syrphidae, Chittka Y
1134 Allium oleraceum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1255 Taraxacum officinale Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bumblebees, flies, Chittka Y
1353 Senecio viscosus Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1558 Polemonium caerulum Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue purple , Chittka Y
1659 Caltha palustris Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1812 Arnica montana Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2259 Sagittaria sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
2438 Ranunculus spec. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka
2616 Bidens gardineri Brazil Riberao Preto radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green orange , Chittka
3141 Crocus vernus (p) Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka
3267 Pitcairnia paniculata S. America radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue red , Chittka Y
3514 Tillandsia acosta-solisii S. America radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3684 Taraxacum pacheri Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
538 Hieracium alpinum Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
2488 Hieracium laevigatum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, flies, Syrphidae, Chittka Y
1320 Mycelis muralis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2257 Myosotis alpestris Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue light blue flies, Chittka Y
1546 Dryas octopetala Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1638 Saxifraga oppositifolia Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink , Chittka Y
1774 Scabiosa lucida Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1975 Galeopsis bifida Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue purple , Chittka Y
2485 Fragaria viridis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white medium bees, snail-nesting bees, butterflies, Chittka Y
2213 Hieracium sp. Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2422 Solanum sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
3121 Arabis alpina Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3255 Pulsatilla vernalis Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka Y
3486 Dombeya burgessiae Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka
3640 Potentilla frigida Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
2130 Filipendula ulmaria Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white bees, Chittka Y
1230 Tolpis staticifolia Italy Solda radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
2142 Hieracium pilosella Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies, Chittka Y
1502 Allium vineale Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1634 Ranunculus glacialis Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink-white , Chittka Y
1726 Gentiana purpurea Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue dark purple , Chittka Y
1919 Ranunculus polyanthemos Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
2387 Malva sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red-orange , Chittka
2971 Tillandsia cyanea Ecuador radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Chittka
3230 Primula veris Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green yellow , Chittka Y
3630 Hieracium sp. Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
1600 Potentilla reptans Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, flies, Chittka Y
1213 Picris hieracioides Italy Malles radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
3480 Lithospermum arvense Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white bumblebees, Chittka Y
1464 Hieracium sabaudum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1624 Geum rivale Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV pink-white , Chittka Y
1679 Ranunculus asiaticus Israel Mishor Adummin radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue red , Chittka
1881 Solidago virgaurea Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2086 Potentilla erecta Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2355 Dietes sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green light yellow , Chittka
2533 Erigeron sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
3208 Leucanthemum vulgare Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3345 Veronica chamaedrys Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Chittka Y
3601 Buphthalmum salicifolium Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3200 Sedum maximum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green green-white diverse bumblebees, Chittka Y
1201 Helianthemum nummularium Italy Solda radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2494 Galeopsis bifida Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue purple bumblebees, large bees, Chittka Y
1401 Lysimachia vulgaris Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
3513 Veronica chamaedrys Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue Syrphidae, medium bees, small bees, Chittka Y
1588 Hieracium murorum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1675 Ranunculus asiaticus Israel Jerusalem radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue , Chittka Y
2125 Papaver rhoeas Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red large bees, small bees, Chittka Y
1842 Hypericum maculatum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2015 Hieracium sylvaticum Austria Lech radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2335 Achyrocline saturejoides Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green metallic light green , Chittka
2738 Scabiosa caucasica Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka
3170 Geum reptans Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
3333 Potentilla brauniana Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3558 Silene vulgaris Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2267 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue white-pink hummingbirds, Chittka
1151 Senecio vernalis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1382 Knautia arvensis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink bumblebees, large bees, butterflies, Chittka Y
1360 Sonchus arvensis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3647 Myosotis decumbens Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green light blue flies, Chittka Y
1561 Primula scandinavica Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1667 Hieracium sp. Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1832 Hieracium auranticum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV orange , Chittka Y
2266 Cochlospermum regium Brazil Riberao Preto radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
2441 Ipomoea callida Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue light violet , Chittka
3142 Crocus vernus (w) Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
3269 Saponaria ocymoides Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
3519 Draba oxycarpa Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green yellow , Chittka Y
3708 Centaurea montana Austria Lech radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue blue , Chittka Y
539 Hieracium alpinum Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
3511 Chelidonium majus Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, flies, Chittka Y
1340 Pulsatilla alpina Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1551 Geranium sylvaticum Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue purple , Chittka Y
1649 Potentilla erecta Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1790 Veratrum album Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green light green , Chittka Y
1978 Geum urbanum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2214 Dombeya burgessiae Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink-white , Chittka
2423 Solanum sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue white , Chittka
3123 Aster alpinus Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green violet , Chittka
3260 Ranunculus montanus Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
3500 Layia platyglossa America radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green yellow , Chittka
3677 Hepatica nobilis Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka Y
2473 Tussilago farfara Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, Syrphidae, beetles, Chittka Y
1307 Hypochaeris uniflora Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2153 Myosotis hispida Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue light blue flies, small bees, Chittka Y
1503 Impatiens parviflora Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV yellow , Chittka Y
1636 Ranunculus glacialis Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue purple , Chittka N
1730 Geranium pratense Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Chittka Y
1953 Aster bellidiastrum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2166 Hypochaeris uniflora Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
2390 Petunia sp. Brazil radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Chittka
3232 Primula auricola Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
3474 Erigeron borealis Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3635 Hypochaeris uniflora Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue green , Chittka
1604 Sinapis arvensis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, bumblebees, flies, beetles, butterflies, Chittka Y
1221 Saxifraga bryoides Italy Solda radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3494 Geum rivale Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink bumblebees, Chittka Y
1467 Gagea pratensis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1625 Geum rivale Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue dark red , Chittka N
1710 Crepis pyrenaica Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1906 Inula salicina Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2097 Cichorium intybus Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue blue , Chittka Y
2356 Cambessedesia ilicifolia Brazil Riberao Preto radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
3220 Lychnis viscaria Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka
3357 Lychnis viscaria Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
3603 Barbarea vulgaris Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3512 Hepatica nobilis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink diverse bumblebees, Chittka Y
1204 Leontodon autumnale Italy Solda radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
2560 Cirsium oleraceum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green off-white bumblebees, large bees, Chittka Y
1408 Ranunculus acris Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1592 Matricaria chamomilla Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1676 Ranunculus asiaticus Israel Jerusalem radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1851 Leontodon hispidus Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
2058 Epilobium montanum Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
2348 Canistum cyatiforma Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka
2523 Hypericum lobocarpum Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
2766 Rhizobotria alpina Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
3174 Barbarea vulgaris Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka
3335 Ranunculus bulbosus Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2282 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink hummingbirds, Chittka
1183 Crepis alpestris Italy Solda radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2104 Verbascum densiflorum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bumblebees, flies, large bees, small bees, butterflies, Chittka Y
1374 Valeriana sambucifolia Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2592 Ranunculus acris Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow Anthomyiidae, Scatophagidae, Muscidae, Chittka Y
1571 Chamomilla recutita Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1669 Veronica fruticans Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue , Chittka Y
1834 Hieracium lanatum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2288 gen. sp. Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka
3162 Hutchinsia alpina Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3291 Tussilago farfara Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3529 Achyrocline saturejoides Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green light yellow , Chittka Y
3709 Centaurea montana Austria Lech radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue blue , Chittka Y
555 Hypochaeris uniflora Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
1249 Ranunculus acris Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bumblebees, Chittka Y
1344 Ranunculus sceleratus Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2847 Ranunculus ficaria Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies, Chittka Y
1552 Knautia arvensis Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink , Chittka Y
1650 Primula stricta Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink-purple , Chittka Y
1799 Verbascum lychnitis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1979 Potentilla argentea Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2222 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
2433 Stilpnopappus speciosus Brazil Riberao Preto radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white-red , Chittka
2605 Glaucium grandiflorum Israel Mishor Adummin radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue red , Chittka
3126 Bellis perennis Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3261 Ranunculus polyanthemos Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3681 Doronicum clusii Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
267 Euphrasia rostkoviana Austria Lech radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue blue , Chittka
2483 Hieracium sabaudum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, flies, Syrphidae, Chittka Y
1310 Leucanthemopsis alpina Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2251 Potentilla heptaphylla Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies, medium bees(7-10mm), snail-nesting bees, Chittka Y
1504 Potentilla anserina Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1637 Saxifraga cespitosa Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink-white , Chittka Y
1743 Leucanthemopsis alpina Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
1964 Senecio doronicum Austria Valluga radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1294 Epilobium parviflorum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink medium bees, Chittka Y
2184 Papaver rhoeas Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red , Chittka Y
2394 Galinsoga parviflora Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue white , Chittka
3111 Caltha palustris Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3238 Potentilla aurea Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
3485 Hieracium sp. Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3639 Ranunculus alpestris Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1658 Anemone ranunculoides Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, bumblebees, Chittka Y
1225 Solanum dulcamara Italy Malles radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka N
1497 Ornithogalum umbellatum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue white , Chittka
1629 Potentilla crantzii Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka Y
1717 Erigeron polymorphus Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka Y
1909 Leucanthemopsis alpina Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka
2102 Myosotis arvensis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green light blue , Chittka Y
2364 Daphne mezereum Italy radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet , Chittka Y
2550 Hibiscus trionum Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2943 Tillandsia vernicosa Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue white , Chittka
3224 Oxalis acetosella Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
3629 Potentilla grandiflora Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1129 Agrimonia eupatoria Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow bees, bumblebees, flies, Chittka Y
1208 Matricaria inodora Italy Malles radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
2587 Ranunculus acris Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow bumblebees, flies, large bees, Chittka N
1462 Cerastium arvense Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1620 Caltha palustris Norway Oppdal radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
1677 Ranunculus asiaticus Israel Jerusalem radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1877 Senecio alpinus Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2071 Lilium martagon Austria Silvretta radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink , Chittka N
2352 Wedelia paludosa Brazil Sao Paulo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Chittka
3179 Helianthemum nummularium Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka N
3338 Ranunculus repens Austria Innsbruck radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3586 Rhizophora mangle Brazil Salvador radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue yellow-green , Chittka
2124 Hepatica nobilis Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet diverse bumblebees, Chittka N
1188 Diplotaxis tenuifolium Italy Malles radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green light yellow , Chittka Y
2152 Pulmonaria obscura Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink bumblebees, Syrphidae, butterflies, Chittka Y
1397 Hypericum perforatum Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
3641 Geranium sylvaticum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue purple Anthomyiidae, Scatophagidae, Muscidae, Chittka
1575 Matricaria maritima Germany Strausberg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Chittka Y
1673 Ranunculus asiaticus Israel Jerusalem radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue red , Chittka Y
1840 Hieracium villosum Austria radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Chittka Y
2512 Malva sylvestris Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Menzel
2671 Papaver rhoeas Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red , Menzel N
2894 Linum pubescens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink flies, , Menzel
2874 Launaea mucronata Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3388 Thrincia tuberosa Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3397 Hesperis pendula Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow-green large bees, Menzel
2659 Crupina crupinastrum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet medium bees, small bees, Menzel
2756 Crepis palaestina Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3385 Rhagadiolus stellatus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2921 Moricandia nitens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink large bees, Menzel
2576 Veronica chamaedrys Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Menzel
2722 Crepis hierosolymitana Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3043 Calendula arvensis Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2730 Cistus salviifolius Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white large bees, small bees, Menzel
3462 Helianthemum ventosum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow large bees, Menzel
2155 Malva sylvestris Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Menzel
2555 Lysimachia vulgaris Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow , Menzel
3440 Lavatera cretica Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink-purple , Menzel
2685 Crepis sancta Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green green flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2988 Scorzonera papposa Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue lilac flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2670 Asphodelus aestivus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue white large bees, small bees, Menzel
3459 Moricandia nitens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink large bees, Menzel
2783 Erodium crassifolium Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Menzel
2956 Papaver hybridum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2515 Phacelia viscida Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue , Menzel
2883 Leontodon laciniata Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3546 Asteriscus graveolens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, ???, Menzel
3403 Cistus incanus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink-violet large bees, small bees, Menzel
2954 Scilla hyacinthoides Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet small bees, Menzel
2639 Convolvulus althaeoides Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Menzel
2745 Ruta chalepensis Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow-green flies, Menzel
2758 Crepis sancta Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3386 Senecio vernalis Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2960 Cyclamen persicum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink large bees, Menzel
2637 Centaurea ammonocyanus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink medium bees, small bees, Menzel
2583 Veronica chamaedrys Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Menzel
2743 Launaea nudicaulis Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3084 Papaver hybridum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2826 Helianthemum ventosum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow large bees, Menzel
3554 Diplotaxis harra Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow large bees, Menzel
2558 Lavatera thuringiaca Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green pink-white , Menzel
3015 Amberboa lippii Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue blue , Menzel
2692 Hedypnois rhagadioloides Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3024 Senecio glauca Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2684 Asphodelus aestivus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue white large bees, small bees, Menzel
3460 Moricandia nitens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet large bees, Menzel
2544 Cucurbita maxima Unknown radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow-orange , Menzel
2906 Malva sylvestris Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink-white , Menzel
2622 Anthemis pseudocotula Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2959 Papaver subpiriforme Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV red flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2642 Alcea dissecta Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink large bees, medium bees, Menzel
3570 Asphodelus tenuifolius Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Menzel
2929 Picris longirostris Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3549 Thrincia tuberosa Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3431 Allium trifoliatum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white large bees, Menzel
2475 Roemeria hybrida Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue purple , Menzel
2657 Anthemis cornucopiae Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Menzel
2760 Crepis sancta Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3387 Sonchus oleraceus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2965 Moricandia nitens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet large bees, Menzel
2648 Crupina crupinastrum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue violet medium bees, small bees, Menzel
3507 Sinapis arvensis Israel Har Gilo radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Menzel
2746 Crepis hierosolymitana Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3372 Anthemis melampodina Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2829 Helianthemum vesicarium Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink large bees, Menzel
2574 Hypericum perforatum Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Menzel
3077 Zygophyllum dumosum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white , Menzel
2721 Crepis aspera Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3026 Senecio glauca Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2707 Moricandia nitens Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink large bees, Menzel
3461 Helianthemum ventosum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow large bees, Menzel
3390 Tragopogon coelesyriacus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue violet , Menzel
2669 Anthemis maris-mortui Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2963 Picris longirostris Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
2647 Allium nigrum Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue-green white large bees, Menzel
2530 Hypericum perforatum Germany Amoeneburg radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-green yellow , Menzel
2782 Erodium crassifolium Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side UV-blue pink , Menzel
2942 Pulicaria incisa Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side green yellow flies and small beetles, small bees, Menzel
3031 Silene aegyptiaca Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue pink-purple , large bees, Menzel
3432 Asphodelus aestivus Israel radially symmetric, flower tip upper side blue white large bees, small bees, Menzel